Sean’s latest stroll down memory lane

memory laneTHIRTEEN and still not out…

That’s the story of Sean Curtin’s ever-popular ‘Limerick – A Stroll Down Memory Lane’, now available from local bookshops.
What started as a one-off has become an ever present in the lead in to the festive period, and already Sean is planning volume 14.

“The momentum just continues to gather pace”, said Sean, adding that while the initial publications were of photographs from his own private collection, the majority over the last few issues have been submitted from readers, friends and neighbours.

“There is an endless stream coming through my door… in fact, the majority featured in recent years were from families and individuals who left our shores many decades ago.


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“The most interesting aspect from my perspective is researching and enlarging captions with further detail, where possible. If some names are missing from photographs, or are incomplete, there is a legion of ‘oldies’ in my circle that are likely to be able to fill in the gaps. It is my policy to provide a detailed background with every picture.

“Limerick people have a fascination for past times, especially photographs with a more historical background. In the current book, for example, there is illustrated coverage of a major fire that killed three people in William Street, in 1913.

“There is also a varied selection from John Street, Mungret Street. Michael’s Lane and High Street, areas that have since been transformed.

“There is a particularly interesting study of the Cunneen family from Singland Cross, dating back to 1915, and there is also one of Michael Forrestal, from Kelly’s Range, prior to his leaving for America in 1949.

“This is just not a book of old photographs… it delves into Limerick’s past and provides a gentle reminder of old place names and lane ways long swept away by the winds of social change.

“It is unlikely there are too many people who can recall Sheehy Lane, Smith Lane, Moloney Lane, Monaghan Lane, Barrett’s Lane and Hogg’s Lane, to mention just a few of the landmarks long forgotten.”

Sean Curtin is up there with some of our most noted historians and his Stroll Down Memory Lane is one of new discoveries and old enchantment.
