Thirty new jobs at Caherconlish nursing home

Story by Alan Jacques – [email protected]

ST Michael’s Nursing Home in Caherconlish celebrated its first birthday with the announcement of plans to open a further 23 bedrooms with the creation of 30 new jobs before Christmas.

Director of Nursing, Sandra Farrell, told Limerick Post that the extension to St. Michael’s would comprise of two double and 19 single en-suite rooms.

“There will be at least 30 new jobs created for nurses, healthcare assistants, catering and housekeeping. These will be created over a three month period.


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“Currently, most staff are employed from the local area at least within a ten mile radius. The Home has given a boost to the local economy in Caherconlish. St Michael’s try to locate and order all their products from the area to give back to the community and county,” she added.

The state-of-the-art nursing home is a purpose built, functionally designed building with 45 single and six double en suite rooms. There are currently 50 highly skilled staff, delivering a wide variety of services  including 24-hour nursing care, physiotherapy, holistic therapy, GP services, speech therapy, chiropody, hairdressing and religious and pastoral care.

Co-owner of the nursing home, Davveen Heyworth thanked all staff for their hard work and commitment over the past year and thanked all the residents and their families for their support and kindness.


