Prostitutes face arrest in Limerick

Report by Andrew Carey

PROSTITUTES charged with soliciting men for sex on Limerick streets will be arrested if they return to the city.

Five women who were charged with loitering on Catherine Street for the purposes of prostitution,were summonsed to be at Limerick District Court last week. However, when their cases were called, Sgt Donal Cronin told the court that they were not present.


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“I couldn’t be certain that the women are all still in Limerick, but I have a suspicion they have moved to another part of the state,” he said.

The women, who all from Romania, are charged with soliciting for the purposes of prostitution at Catherine Street in Limerick city, on various dates between April 10 and and May 16 last.

Judge Eugene O’Kelly said the women should have been present in court and issued bench warrants in each case.
