HomeNewsOver €60k raised for Action Breast Cancer

Over €60k raised for Action Breast Cancer


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On Sunday 9th June, over 600 people joined together to walk for the fourth annual Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk to raise much-needed funds for Action Breast Cancer, a programme of the Irish Cancer Society.

The committee was delighted to hand over a cheque for €63,784.77 to Eileen Kearney of the Irish Cancer Society.

The Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk has raised a total of over €278,000 since it’s inaugural event in 2010.

Around 28,000 women and 28 men get diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and in Ireland, one in ten women will get breast cancer in their lifetime.

Since 2009 the Pink Ribbon Walks in Ireland have seen almost 7000 people walk 96 miles and raise over €778,000 for Action Breast Cancer.

Through the Pink Ribbon Walks, women and men are encouraged to live healthier lifestyles, decrease alcohol intake and exercise more (all factors that help to reduce the risk of getting cancer), whilst raising much-needed funds for a very worthwhile cause.

Barbara McMahon, the Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk Ambassador said, “It was an inspiring day, with breast cancer survivors walking alongside breast cancer sufferers, young walking with old, everyone walking with friends”.

“It was a very humbling experience, but also one of strength, solidarity and celebration. A truly unique event. All of us joined together to raise awareness, offer support and hopefully to help find a cure for breast cancer”, said Ms McMahon.

Chairperson Nicola Wood added, “By taking part in a Pink Ribbon Walk, everyone has great fun with pink-themed fundraising ideas, they host pink parties, sell cakes, in the knowledge that every penny goes to Action Breast Cancer”.

“Action Breast Cancer provides vital services to people and their families from the moment of diagnosis and all through their treatment,” said Ms Wood.

Those services include the National Cancer Freefone Helpline (1800 200 700), the Care to Drive programme, Night Nurses, drop-in Daffodil Centres, providing financial grants, counselling services and funding research projects.

For more information on the Pink Ribbon Walks in Ireland see the website www.pinkribbonwalk.ie and follow on Facebook.com/pinkribbonwalk.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about breast cancer please contact the National Cancer Freefone 1800 200 700.

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