Pic: Marc O’Sullivan.
A LIMERICK director has scored the top prize in a national film competition aimed at promoting responsible drinking.
Nicky O’Donnell directed the 90-second film ‘The Pace Setter’ which compares speedy drinkers to runners who race ahead of others but eventually collapse.
Nicky, along with fellow Tralee Institute of Technology student Peter O’Callaghan from Cork, won the overall best film and people’s choice awards at the drink2baware.ie competition earning them €1,500 in each category.
Nicky, a fourth-year interactive multimedia student, collected his prize at an awards ceremony in the Powerscourt Theatre in Dublin.
In The Pace Setter, one character is seen taking on three other joggers but running out of steam and collapsing outside a bar. The film ends with a shot of him inside the pub, almost passed out in front of a table full of empty glasses.
Students from Limerick IT won the silver award and a €1,000 prize for Game Over, a video-game style film and the bronze awards also went to LIT students for their film ‘What’s the Rush’.
The films can be seen on www.dare2bdrinkaware.ie.