Strong lineup for LSAD Rag Week

IT’S that time of year again when colleges plan their charity weeks and Limerick School of Art and Design have a brilliant line-up for this year’s R&G WEEK 2013 featuring La Galaxie and DJ Girl Unit. Running from Monday February 11, proceeds from the week go to Pieta House and the week is full of quality music acts along with the usual Treasure Hunts and an episode of ‘Take Me Out’ college style.



On Tuesday February 12 Dublin band The Hot Sprockets play the marquee on the LSAD campus. Caimin Walsh of LSAD told Limerick Post, “Having shows on campus creates a more alternative concert experience than most students are used to, the gigs are free and BYOB creating a festival like environment. We try to push a DIY element, getting students involved with art installations and so on…from past years it does seem to a better concert experience.”

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On Wednesday 13 some of Limerick’s favourite Hip-Hop DJs, namely mynamesisjOhn and Deviant will play as artists get creative with their black markers on giant whiteboards alongside them. Purple Earth Theory play a free gig later.

Thursday 14 brings an all day mini-festival to LSAD campus featuring among others Aces High, Superblondes, Leading Armies and The Hip-Neck Blues Collective and DJs. As usual it is a free BYOB event for the students. Things get even more interesting on Thursday night as a special DIE night in Dolan’s will feature UK DJ Girl Unit and Dublin synth block rockers Le Galaxie.
