150 days in Seamus vows to fight on

A COUNTY Limerick man who has been barricaded into his home since August to prevent the sheriff evicting him held his forst public gathering. More than 100 supporters flocked to Appletown Farm,  Feohanagh to highlight the Sherlock family’s 150 days standing against eviction . Guest speaker was Mattie Mc Grath TD who spoke with passion in support of the Sherlock family and thanked them for been “brave enough to highlight this issue “.



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Seamus Sherlock thanked everyone for calling in support of his family’s stand and especially Mattie and the other speakers. He added that it was “a pity no Limerick elected representatives called to see how the family was doing and hopefully this might change in the near future”.

He told supporters that ‘No sheriff and no Troika is going to put me off my farm”.

In summing up , Seamus spoke with passion about all the people who gave up the fight and could see no way out ,
The founder of Life after Debt appealed to those in despair to “find a better way – seek help”.

He said it “breaks my heart to have lost dear friends in this way but they will never be forgotten as long as I draw breath”.
