Gardaí respond to Limerick terror threat

by David Raleigh – [email protected]

GARDAÍ are investigating threats made by the Continuity IRA (CIRA) to young Limerick men thinking of joining the British Army, that it considers them a “legitimate target”.

And Justice Minister Alan Shatter has made it clear that threats made by criminal terrorist groups are “completely unacceptable and will be met with the full rigours of the law”.


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The Minister’s strong line was issued to the Limerick Post after the annual Sean South Republican Sinn Fein commemoration last Sunday when a message was read on behalf of CIRA prisoners currently being held at Portlaoise Prison.

“We have seen in recent years in the city of Limerick that Irishmen are considering a career in the British Army – the same British Army that holds six of our counties. Whether they are motivated by financial reasons or a sense of adventurism, we take this opportunity to say that the moment you don a British uniform you become a legitimate target for the IRA”, the statement read at the Republican Plot in Mount Saint Lawrence cemetery proclaimed.

The statement also affirmed that the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) were “legitimate targets” and called for those attending the commemoration to “get into the ranks of the Republican movement” to achieve a united Ireland.

The warning came less than a month after it emerged gardai had provented an IRA plot to kill a Limerick man who is a member of the British Army. The man, who is in late 20’s, was due to return home for Christmas but changed his plans when details of the plot were discovered.

Around 80 people – some of whom were dressed in paramilitary clothing – took part in the event. There was a strong garda presence as more than 20 plain clothes gardai and Special Branch detectives, took photographs and made video recordings of the republican procession.

While no arrests were made, a number of those who took part in the event had their names, ages, and addresses taken by gardai.

Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Justice, Niall Collins, blasted those behind the statement.

“No such actions would be carried out in the name of Republicanism. They are just plain and simple criminals.”

“Not alone are they issuing a threat to people’s lives — which is most serious and shouldn’t be countenanced in any civilised society — but they are also inflicting a severe reputational damage on Limerick, on Dublin, and on the rest of the country.From that point of view, I think the government needs to come up with an action plan.”

Sinn Fein councillor Maurice Quinlivan said the threats by the CIRA prisoner group had no place in modern Ireland.

Gardai in Limerick and Dublin are currently preparing dossiers on those suspected of involvement in terrorist groups styling themselves as republicans.
