Pot noodle thief stays out of the can

“He must have been off his noodle to steal them in the first place”, commented defence solicitor John Devane when he appeared at Limerick District Court defending a man accused of stealing a tub of pot noodles. The court heard that Ray Constable, of Millstream Court, Ennis was intoxicated when he stole from the Topaz garage, Dock Road, Limerick at 11.30 pm on December 12 last. He staggered across the forecourt and dropped the tub of noodles in front of gardai who were in the garage at the time.

The 29-year-old defendant was also charged with being intoxicated and causing a disturbance at Davis Street on the same night.
After pleading guilty and hearing details of 133 previous convictions, Mr Devane said his client had a “significant difficulty with alcohol”.
“He must have been off his noodle to take the noodles in front of five gardai’ added Mr Devane. However at the time of the incident, Mr Constable was homeless and struggling.
Judge O’Kelly said it was hardly an act of monumental stupidity. Maybe he was just hungry.
Mr Devane said that his client suffered a serious brain injury when he was stabbed in the head but added that he could stay sober and out of trouble now that he was living at home with his mother.
Judge O’Kelly said he wanted to see if Mr Constable could “use his noodle” and stay out of trouble “otherwise he will end up in the can”.
He convicted and fined the defendant €75 on the theft charge and took the public order charge into account.
