*LCGA, Pery Square: 20/20 Vision: Pecha Kucha evening with gallery and Hunt Museum, 20 slides each present ideas for 20seconds. Thursday November 8, 6pm, Free.
* LCGA: 3rd part to ‘Fragile Absolutes’ by Alan Phelan; Brian Duggan’s film based installation juxtaposes historical and recent events; ‘Landscape’ selection for gallery’s Permanent Collection. Until Nov. 22.
* LIMERICK Printmakers, Sarsfield St: New work by 2012 Printmakers bursary winner Emilie Doyle, ‘Pretty Ugly’. Opens Thursday 8, 8pm until Nov 29. Artist’s talk on Saturday 17, 12.30pm.
* QUAY Arts Centre, Ballina: New works by Nathalie El Baba, ‘Curious Symmetry’ abstract and figurative opens Saturday 17, 7pm. Until Nov. 30.
* BELLTABLE Gallery: Buenos Aires artists Magdalena Jitrik’s show of photos and videos, ‘International Lantern’. Until Nov. 23.
* HUNT Museum: Exhibition ‘China through the lens of John Thomson 1868-1872’. Until Dec. 2. LSAD Mark Heng’s Life Drawing classes November Saturdays, 10.30am-12.30pm.
* RAGGLE Taggle Consortium, Sarsfield St: ‘Quilt Art at 25’. Until Nov. 16.
* GALLERY 75, O’Connell St: tuition with Geraldine Dennehy, 10-12.30pm. Until Dec.