Garda crime round up – part 2

Youths threaten men during theft
GARDAI at Mayorstone are investigating an incident that took place at approximately 5.30pm on Tuesday September 25 last. Sergeant Brian Broderick from the Crime Prevention Office in Henry Street Garda Station explains that; “Two men were walking on the Old Cratloe Road when they were approached by three youths. The youths threatened the men with a screwdriver and stole a white Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and a black Nokia mobile phone.

Described as all being in their early 20’s and all having dark hair cut tight, one of the youths was described as; “wearing a white hoody while one of the others was wearing a dark coloured hoody. The three culprits ran from the scene and were last spotted in the nearby Shannon Ville area. Anyone who saw anything suspicious in the vicinity of the Old Cratloe Road or Shannon Ville on the evening in question are asked to contact the Gardaí at Mayorstone Park 061 456980.

Females targeted in snatch and grab

HENRY Street Gardai are looking into the theft of a phone and handbag from two women walking on the St Patrick’s Road.
According sergeant Broderick; “The two women were walking home along St. Patrick’s Road at approximately 12.30am on Monday October 1 last when they were approached by four young males aged between 14 and 17 years of age. The youths grabbed a Samsung mobile phone and a pink handbag containing a sum of cash. Two suspects have been identified for these thefts and arrests are expected shortly however Gardaí from Henry Street, on 061 212400, would like to hear from anyone who was in the vicinity of St. Patrick’s Road at the time of the incident and who may have seen this group of youths.

Man charged over ‘disturbing’ burglary

ROXBORO Road Gardai have charged a 22-year-old man following a burglary during which the culprit produced a knife. Gardai say that “this was a particularly disturbing incident”.
Sergeant Broderick adds that; “At 5.45am on Saturday September 29 last a householder living in an apartment in Greenpark on the South Circular Road was awoken by the noise of his kitchen window blind. When he went into the kitchen he was confronted by a man who picked up a kitchen knife and threatened the householder.
“A struggle ensued and the householder managed to subdue the burglar until Gardaí arrived. The intruder was then arrested and has been charged in connection with the incident and is currently before the courts.
“Fortunately this incident”, but Sgt Broderick warns against the danger of “confronting criminals in this way as it can be extremely dangerous and personal safety should always be the primary consideration in these types of circumstances.”
