New legal service for migrants

A NEW free legal service to help migrants chart the choppy waters of visas and other red tape was officially launched in the city this week. The recently established Doras Luimní service was formally launched by the Mayor of Limerick, Cllr Gerry McLoughlin who was joined by Limerick County Council Cathoirleach Cllr Jerome Scanlan in welcoming the establishment of this specialised service for migrants living in the Midwest region.

Karen McHugh, Doras Luimní CEO, explained how the Legal Service fits into the range of services provided by the organisation:
“The work of Doras Luimní is divided into three core areas: the provision of direct support, integration planning, and advocacy and campaigning on issues affecting migrants and the wider Limerick community.
“The Legal Service is a new branch of the direct support services offered by Doras Luimní, and it supplements the service provided by our caseworkers in the Advice and Information Centre,”
The legal team is comprised of Legal Officer Okeremute O. Okeregha and Legal Intern Seona Dillon McLoughlin, who have been delivering information, advice and representation to clients since June.
The team is working with people requiring assistance with a range of complex issues relating to protection applications, residency applications, visa applications, voluntary return and deportation orders.
