Arts news in brief

Post your secret on a card
‘THE Secrets Party’ is a novel awareness raising gig organised by Out in UL, the branch of Limerick Pride on campus, that promises fun. The party will take place from 8pm on Tuesday September 4 in Baker Place as part of Limerick Pride festival.

“Inspired by, this is an art piece with a twist,” reports Niall Russell-Richardson. “We are asking you to send us your secrets on postcards. They can be anything you want, whether it’s that you wet the bed or that you are afraid of the dark. If it is something you haven’t told anyone else, write it down and send it to us. You can design the postcards yourself, or you can get one at the shop. This is your secret, make it your own”.
The idea is that we are all connected by secrets in our lives and yes, of course your postcard is anonymous. Out in UL is the opposite of trying to pillory someone with shame.
On the night, all the secrets collected by September 4 will be displayed on the walls of Baker Place.  “You can come, have a drink, read other people’s secrets, and put your own secrets on display. All secrets will be anonymous”.
Post your secrets to Out in UL, Clubs and Societies Office, Students’ Union, UL. Alternatively, email a JPEG of your postcard to [email protected].

Heritage tours, talks and trips
IT’s annual Heritage Week next week and at the Hunt Museum from Monday August 20 to 25, there is a schedule of events for the public. Attend Limerick’s Medieval Heritage Lecture Series of daily talks and lectures at 1pm. The detailed programme is available on website 
Costumed tours are terrific fun and run on August 21, 23 and 25 August at 2pm, €3. Medieval Metalworking Demonstrations will take place on Monday 20 and on Saturday 25 on a 1pm to 5pm basis.
There’s an Archaeology Day Trip and Field School at Fanore Beach on Monday 20 from 9am to 6pm. Priced at €40 per person, this will include transportation from/ to Limerick, field school and lunch. Book ahead at the Hunt Museum or by email [email protected].


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Games at Storytelling
LOOKING ahead to September, Limerick Writers’ Centre will host a Storytelling Playshop with Coilín The Oh-Aissieux. Book for Saturday 15 at 12 Barrington Street for “one of the most innovative professional storytellers in Ireland. He invites you to take a fresh approach to telling stories, through a day of storytelling games”.
This is our chance to polish up on such fine detail as:
Whose story is it? – for liars and deceivers
Which rasa? – a game of emotional flavours
Once Upon a Time – storytelling card games
Places must be booked in advance and the email address is [email protected]/
The Oh-Aissieux master storyteller has studied film at the European Film College and at Screenwriters Copenhagen in Denmark. He brings a keen appreciation of dramaturgy to his work as a storyteller. He is also the founder of the Narrative Arts Club which has produced storytelling shows and workshops in Dublin since 2005.
