Arts news in brief

Roches Street’s September festival

ROCHES Street Traders have raised at least €100,000 for local charities over the past decade through various initiatives. Their big contributor is the Roches Street Traders annual charity Art Festival, taking place this year from Monday September 10 to Saturday 22. Typically around 60 artists contribute works for sale which are installed or placed in each of the owner-managed shops and services.

Exceptional artists such as Tom Greaney have donated works for 100 per cent sale proceeds but the regular format is that the artists donate 25 per cent of the art work’s price to charity.
This year’s beneficiaries chosen by the traders’ committee are Headwave, the brain injury support organisation and the annual staple, Milford Care Centre.

Elemental Arts and Culture


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ELEMENTAL Arts and Culture Festival will bring the arts in all shapes and sizes to Limerick for one day of back-to-back entertainment on Saturday September 15, Arts page hears.
“This exciting festival will include street performance, music, print, forgotten skills, youth theatre,  interactive street art, market stalls, film, puppetry, youth theatre and many more events,” says organiser Jennifer Allen. “There will be a wide variety of entertainment and attractions for all age groups”.
Jennifer, who is Limerick Post’s Health page columnist as well as a gifted visual artist, says that the title ‘ELEMENTAL’ relates to the fact that all the elements of Nature – earth, fire, water, air and metal – are the jump-off point for the festival. Public participation is sought for September 15:
“We want to place special emphasis on the people of Limerick, given that they are one of the key elements.   We would love to hear from you. Send us your details with a brief proposal of how your idea could fit into the festival to: [email protected]  and ElementalArtsLimerick”.
The Twitter address is @ElementalLmk.

£35,000 for disabled artists

The Arts Council and The Arts Council of Northern Ireland have combined to offer a total of around £35,000 funding to be made available to disabled artists.  Each individual artist can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 to help develop their work. Through this funding, artists with disabilities have produced work of the highest artistic quality and have won international recognition.
Each application is judged on its merits by experts working in arts and disability and can include funding to buy equipment that help improve the artist’s ability to produce work.
For more information on how to apply for funding, contact the ADF on 048-90239450 or [email protected].
To download an application form go to and all information including criteria, FAQs and guidelines is available on the website.
