Bright future beckons for local star of Dark Knight

IT was back to the day job this week for Limerick actor, Kevin Kiely.
Kevin, who has a six minute starring role in The Dark Knight Rises, caught up with Christopher Nolan’s 164 minute “epic” last weekend, with family viewings at both Odeon and Showtime cinemas.

“The film had been kept under wraps until its worldwide release on the same date, and there was always that fear that the segments in which I appear might have finished up on the cutting room floor, even though my name was on the list of credits in the advance publicity.
“Well, I survived the edit process. My role as Gotham Thug 1 is very much central to the storyline, and I was very pleased with the end result.
“It was good that it was mentioned at the foot of my interview in the Limerick Post last week that the film has a running time of 164 minutes. Audiences went along fully prepared”.
Kevin, who returned to his workplace at a top London restaurant on Tuesday, availed of his few days in his native city to meet up with old acquaintances.
“This was a very special occasion. Normally, I only meet up with family and friends at weddings and funerals. A great time was had by all, and it was nice that people approached me to discuss the film and its making.
“It was important to me that I was in a position to promote Limerick. Several national newspapers and radio stations were in touch and I tried to get the message across that Limerick is a city of which we can all feel proud”.
Kevin is now looking forward to other film and theatrical roles coming his way, making acting a full-time career.
“My next project is with Brad Pitt, and there are several auditions lined up with casting agents…it is all very promising. I am a patient sort of guy and will take it as it comes. It is starting to come around for me”.
This weekend, he is heading for a music festival in the Isle of Wight, and the opportunity to see Stevie Wonder live.
