Limerick honeymooners ditch Mauritius as venue

LIMERICK people are voting with their feet to boycott Mauritius after the brutal murder of Michaela McAreavey.
The shock publication of pictures of her dead body has prompted hoards or Limerick people to sign up to the ‘Boycott Mauritius’ Facebook campaign.
One Limerick travel agent told the Limerick Post that the once popular honeymoon destination has “fallen off the face of the earth” as far as Limerick people are concerned.
Another confirmed that his company no longer gets enquiries although it still featured as an optional idyllic destination.

“The island has lost out badly because of the publicity,” said Tony Brazil of Limerick Travel.
“It was popular as a honeymoon destination but we’re not asked about it anymore”.
Mr Brazil said that the cost of a dream holiday on the island does not appear to be a factor as honeymooners are still booking exotic destinations like Dubai and Africa.
“There is certainly a falloff although there has been no directive from the Department of Foreign Affairs about the safety of the island. We would never send customers to a place where it has been flagged there is a danger – that is not the case in Mauritius”.
Mike Shinnors of Ace Travel said that the destination “has fallen off the face of the earth as far as Limerick people are concerned.
“We haven’t even been asked about it since the murder 18 months ago”.
Mr Shinnors said that he does not believe the island’s tourism interests have “done themselves any favours. They’ve not dropped prices or done anything to encourage people back”.
Meanwhile, Limerick people are among more than 6,000 who have signed up to a ‘Boycott Mauritius’ Facebook Campaign.
Those who join or ‘like’ the pages, say they are doing s in support of Tyrone GAA legend Mickey Harte and his family and John McAreavey, or to show their disgust at the Mauritian newspaper’s decision to publish the distressing photographs.
