Arts postings

Guided art tour of talks

OUR first Art for Art’s Sake tour takes place this Saturday June 16 at noon. Leaving Locke Bar & Restaurant at George’s Quay, Orlaith Treacy guides this walking tour which will embrace EVA International venues such as Limerick City Gallery of Art, Belltable Art Centre, Faber Studios on Henry Street and Riverpoint.

“We will also tour many other gallery spaces in the city such as Raggle Taggle Consortium, Limerick Printmakers, Ormston House and the Occupy Space exhibition in Istabraq Hall. Each gallery will have the artist/ curator/ guide available to introduce the space and to answer any questions”.
Expect time for a lunch break also. To book a place on the tour email [email protected]; the walk and talks are free but you can make a donation if you wish.

‘Bid Adieu’ from Joyce


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WITH Bloomsday falling on a weekend this year, Saturday 16 in Bruff should see much footfall for its festival beginning as of today, Thursday 14.
Refer to website for the programme which will feature Limerick soprano Suzanne Murphy’s return to the county. The Wales based opera teacher is guest star at the Friday 15 concert, 8pm, joining Voices of Limerick along with composer/ raconteur Michael Holohon. Among other pieces, she will sing a composition by Jimmy Joyce himself, ‘Bid Adieu’, arranged by Edmund Pendleton  – a musical rarity. Suzanne will be accompanied by Mairead Hurley of DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama. €25 in.
On to the Bloomsday in Bruff lecture on Saturday 16, 5pm for which author and literary historian Gerard Hanberry will give an illustrated slide show. His talk is ‘The Story of Joyce, Nora Barnacle and Michael Furey’ and with Hanberry MA being an award winning writer, a teacher and singer/ songwriter, expect a vivid tale.
The Limerick City event takes place at 1pm in The Milk Market this Friday 15. It will include music, song  and readings  with a Joycean theme from ‘Dolce’, combining classical and traditional genres. Readings also by members Limerick Writers’ Centre and a short theatre performance by Gabhar Theatre Company.
