‘Pigtown’ flags future for community theatre

THE White House Bar was aromatic with bacon on a sunny evening launch for ‘Pigtown’. Publican Glen McLaughlin made sure that he fed this theatre party well, the best of ham and egg sandwiches, sizzling sausages and satisfying black pud. It was the meatiest tuck that Arts page has seen this recession for a launch and Mike Finn’s ‘Pigtown’ was worthy centre piece. “I took the liberty of writing out a couple of 1000 words or so to honour this play and its criminally overlooked playwright,” Finn told us as ceremonies started.

“He is not just the greatest playwright produced in this country, but in any another since Euripedes. Having lived for two years in London, he holds the record in the West End for having sold more ice-creams than any other playwright”.
Laugh we did but bear in mind his ‘Pigtown’ is this city’s greatest theatrical hit. Island Theatre Company staged it at Belltable in 1999, again 2000 and then in UCH in 2002. The 2002 production was nominated for four Irish Times Theatre Awards, winning one (Best Set Design). Mike Finn won the prestigious Stewart Parker Award for ‘Pigtown’ in 2002 and it was produced off Broadway, USA that same year.
On to present business. Artistic director of the Belltable Gerry Barnes was host to 17 actors, crew, director Paul Brennan, Shannon Development’s Eoghan Prendergast, eva International’s Woodrow Kernohan, CentreStage’s Richie and Conor J Ryan, Live 95fm’s Nigel Dugdale and multiple members of the Finn family. Their babe in arms Tara Madden (4mths) stole the evening with a late arrival.
“’Pigtown’ is the first Belltable Community Theatre Project I have produced since coming to the Belltable (2011)”, Mr Barnes told Arts page. “We are delighted to have greater engagement with the community and there’s more going on this season with Limerick Writers Centre, Voices of Africa and Band Incubation with Northside Learning Hub”.
He hopes there will be more community theatre “with Mike Finn and Paul Brennan who are a really successful combination working on this project”.
The man steering the revival, Paul Brennan, has directed several plays by Finn. Actor, director and brother to Jane, Barbara and Stephen Brennan, he spelled out the spirit of community theatre, quoting English writer Ann Gellico: “A core of professionals surrounding a community cast and presenting a play about the past of said community”.
Such is ‘Pigtown’, a 20th Century stroll through Limerick in its bacon producing heyday, told through the character of Tommy Clocks (John Anthony Murphy) and large cast. Its laughter, pathos and truth preview at Belltable Arts Centre on Tuesday June 5, Wednesday 6 and opens on Thursday 7 for 15 nights in June, 8pm. Tel. 061-319866.
More anon from actor, director and playwright.

John Anthony Murphy, Shane Vaughan, Rachel Ni Fhionnain and playwright Mike Finn. Pic: Paul Mullins.


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