Dave to reveal how he completed six deserts

THE ONLY Irishman to have completed six desert marathons, is coming to Limerick to share his experiences. Dave Oโ€™Brien has run more than 400 races around the world, including 30 marathons. In 2010 he became one of a handful from across the globe, and the oldest at 56, to complete the infamous, hottest, coldest, windiest and driest deserts in the world in one year, in a 38 week period.

Dave returned from Antarctica in December 2010, where he completed the last of four 155-mile endurance races in the Racing the Planetโ€™s โ€œ4 Desertsโ€ series.
Earlier in the year he completed the three other 155-mile races across Chileโ€™s Atacama Desert in March, the Gobi desert in China in June, and the Sahara desert in Northern Africa in October while carrying everything on his back to survive, food, medical supplies, clothes, sleeping bag, survival gear, water etc.
Dave will be speaking in the Jean Monet Theatre at UL on May 25, at 8pm.
