GARDA bosses were remaining tight-lipped this week on whether an announcement concerning the filling of senior garda posts will apply to Limerick The Minister for Justice and Equality Alan Shatter, has announced the appointment, by the Government, of two Assistant Commissioners, eight Chief Superintendents and 23 Superintendents in An Garda Síochána. Recently, the Limerick Post reported that there was deep concern in the force that a large number of senior garda posts would, be left vacant by the Government’s retirement scheme.
Speaking after a recent Cabinet meeting the Minster said “I am very pleased that the Government today agreed with my request, sanctioned by my colleague the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, to make these appointments at this time.
“I have also received sanction from the Minster for Public Expenditure and Reform to allow for the consequential vacancies at Inspector and Sergeant level, arising from these senior appointments, to be filled by the Commissioner.”
On foot of a query from the Limerick Post as to whether any of the positions left vacant in Limerick will be filled, a garda press office spokesperson said that the filling of posts in the various garda divisions is “a matter for the Garda Commissioner”.