Arts postings

Saga of Larten Crepsley

BEST selling novelist Darren Shan continues the Saga of Larten Crepsley with public readings from the fourth, final instalment of this epic. Key into the fate of vampire hero Larten at Belltable Arts Centre next Thursday April 26 at 11.30am for schools, and at 7pm for Joe Public. Darren Shan himself will intrigue and entertain.

Based in County Limerick, the novelist’s sales worldwide exceed 20million and his young following is worshipful. Look forward to a gripping insight into the latest book, ‘Brothers to the Death’ and Larten’s fight to the end against Vampanese.


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Carleton Varney’s ‘Mr Color’

THERE is a reading this Thursday 19 at 5.45pm in O’Mahony’s Booksellers by a name no less stirring. Mr Carleton Varney, the New York based designer of interiors, artefacts and accessories, will present to sign copies of his latest book, the 232 page ‘Mr Color’. Given that Varney has a house in Pallaskenry and many friends collected and kept, expect a society evening of congratulation.
He is president of Dorothy Draper & Company, Draper having been a 20th century decorator for America’s higher echelons and their niches. The ‘Mr Color’ extravaganza is dedicated to Dorothy Draper’s greatest hotel projects and serves as a guide through Varney’s clients’ homes, as well as his methodology.

White River Fest for Foynes

OVER the May bank holiday, White River Fest in the Loughill/ Ballyhahill area will give its city precedent RiverFest a wave for its splash. White River Fest is a fundraising festival running Friday May 4 to Sunday 6 for local GAA Club, Gerald Griffin.
“It’s the first of its kind in the area for almost 30 years,” says Tom Stack, one of the organisers. “Sport, music and fun promoting community spirits is the name of the game this bank holiday weekend, with a marquee event for each of the nights and something for everyone”.
Head to the GAA field at Foynes for a marquee, central station to this promised craic. On Friday 4, all youth, school and club groups aged 13 to 17 years are invited to an alcohol free Teen Disco, 9pm for your glitter ball spin. For Friday 5, a Céilí Mór with music by Taylor’s Cross Céilí Band and full bar, raffle and refreshments will entertain the troops. Again, 9pm ‘dul isteach’.
On to Sunday May 6 and Sports Day for children, novelty events on the schedule and on Sunday evening, attend the final of the White River Football Competition. Then a scrub and polish is in order for the Barn Dance with barbecue meal, also at the marquee.  Music is from the experienced band Wise Guys, imported from Limerick city. Buy your tickets for any event over these friendly three days from committee members Tom Stack, Gary Thompson, Teresa Cregan-Stack and Edel Buttery.
