Teenager sentenced to nine months

AN 18 year old has been jailed for a spate of thefts and burglaries, the majority of which occurred between December of last year and January of this year. Robert Benn, of Fairview Crescent, was before Judge Eamon O’Brien on five charges, three relating to burglaries at houses and one where €25 in change was taken from a taxi operating in Limerick city. Judge Eamon O’Brien heard that on December 20 last the accused teenager broke into a house in Killownen where a laptop, phone, cash and car keys were stolen.

It was also reported that the car outside the house was also taken but was later recovered.
The court heard that on the same night a laptop, phone, cash and another set of car keys were also taken from a house at Glenside, Annacotty during a break-in and a car outside the house was taken but later recovered.
On January 8 last, a property at Woodhaven, Castletroy was broken into and €800 in cash was also taken.
On January 10 a theft was reported where a taxi cab was broke into near the Unicabs rank and €25 in change was taken from the car.
The court heard that on September 3 last, the accused was identified of the theft and criminal damage of a car in the car park at the University of Limerick where €200 of damage was caused to a car when it was broken into.
A bag containing cash and clothes was also taken with the combined value of €350.
Judge Eamon O’Brien heard that the teen had been on detention in St Patrick’s Institution previously but that this was his first time in prison since being on remand from January.
None of the items, with the exception of the two cars, were recovered.
Darach McCarthy solicitor told the court that the teen had been addicted to prescription drugs and was now dealing with that matter while in prison.
A letter, written by the accused man, who had pleaded guilty to the offences, outlined his experience in prison to-date,. The letter was handed into the court by the accused.
Judge Eamon O’Brien convicted and sentenced the accused teen to nine months in prison and backdated it to when he was taken into custody last January.
