DVD to create greater awareness of McManus awards

AN information DVD on The All Ireland Scholarships has been produced to create greater awareness about the JP McManus sponsored awards programme. The DVD, which will inform students about how they might benefit from the 3rd level scholarships scheme, has  been distributed to all non-fee paying secondary schools throughout the country (north and south). Pop sensation, Bruno Mars has supported the DVD by giving permission to use one of his hits as the soundtrack – “Count on Me”.

Established in 2008, this 3rd level educational bursary provides financial assistance to many deserving school leavers across the island of Ireland. Each scholarship has an annual value of €6750/€5,500 for the duration of the chosen undergraduate programme.
There are 125 awards granted every year to students attending non-fee paying schools in Ireland and Northern Ireland. To date, 494 scholarships have been awarded.
