APRIL COLLINS, former girlfriend of convicted gangster, Ger Dundon, and now turned State witness, is set to give crucial evidence in other gangland murders, including those of Shane Geoghegan and Roy Collins. The Limerick Post has learned from an official source, that the pregnant mother of three is to reveal vital information which could lead to further convictions. Collins, now in a relationship with Thomas O’Neill, the convicted Cratloe gang rapist,
has knowledge of murders and attempted murders, as was revealed in court, that could see further charges brought against a number of key figures. Last week, Wayne and John Dundon were convicted of making threats to kill members of the Collins family, after what the three judges described as “credible and convincing” evidence given by April, her mother Alice and sister Bianca.
The Special Criminal Court heard taped telephone conversations where April Collins described the Dundon brothers as “a shower of scumbags” and “lowlife bastards”.
The threats were fuelled after she split from their brother Ger.
The evidence it is alleged she is to provide the State in connection with the Shane Geoghegan and Roy Collins murders, has set the Dundon world into overdrive.
Last February, 26-year-old Barry Doyle, a Dubliner hired as a hitman, was convicted of the murder of Shane Geoghegan, in a case of mistaken identity,
During that trial, April Collins told the jury that she was with John Dundon when he instructed Doyle to shoot John McNamara on the night before Geoghegan was killed.
McNamara, the intended target, lived four doors down in the same estate.April’s evidence also included details of a meeting between Dundon and Doyle following the shooting, when an argument broke out about the identity of the victim.
This evidence helped secure the conviction of Doyle.
But Ms Collins herself is no stranger to crime as she has a number of convictions, one including the intimidation of a State witness.
In May 2010, while pregnant and still engaged to Ger Dundon, she followed a relative of Mark Heffernan into Penneys and intimidated her.
Heffernan was the subject of extortion by members of the Dundon gang over a €20,000 debt.
He turned State witness, and convictions were secured against a number of the Dundon gang, including Ger Dundon, April’s father, Jimmy Collins and brother Gareth.
She received a three year suspended sentence last year.
Gardai are now set to follow the trail that April Collins will lead them on to secure more convictions against the organisers of Limerick’s criminal underworld.
* See Dundon trial verdict in full here