HomeNewsQuick eats - two to try

Quick eats – two to try


I HAVE two quick eats dishes that will give you a helping hand to teatime treats.
The cod dish requires just a little preparation and will deliver lots of flavour for very little return.

Cod loin topped with pine nut and breadcrumb crust with Parma ham

150g breadcrumbs
2 chopped tomatoes
1 clove of garlic thinly sliced
50g pine nuts
25g butter
1 slice of Parma ham
1 cod fillet per portion

Simply mix the breadcrumbs, pine nuts, tomatoes, garlic and melted butter in a bowl and form a thick stuffing.
Place this on top of the cod and top with a slice of Parma ham.
Roast in a pre heated oven at 180degC for 15 minutes or until done.
The stuffing will be crispy on top and soft underneath the crust and the ham will take on a crispy feel too.
Serve this with some seasoned greens, crushed new potatoes, a carrot and potato rosti or a bean salad.

Gnocchi with lamb ragu

I know this is called quick eats and giving a dish that requires over two and half hours cooking kind of defeats the purpose but take it as a weekend quick eat.

2 chopped shallots
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1/4 head of fennel finely diced
454g diced lamb
1 litre of good chicken stock
150g gnocchi per portion
A chunk of parmesan cheese
Finely sliced spring onions to serve

In a little oil and butter gently sweat the fennel, shallots and garlic in a heavy based pot.
To this, add the lamb and allow it to take on colour.
Then add the stock and the cheese piece and reduce the heat and allow the stew to cook for two hours. Keep a check on the level of the liquid during the cooking but if you have the oven hob on medium you should be OK.
Once the lamb has cooked, remove the meat from the stew and shred it.
Cook the gnocchi in boiling salted water. Bring the cooking liquid to the boil and serve the gnocchi in a bowl with the shredded lamb on top and add a ladleful of the stewing liquor.
Top with some finely sliced spring onions.

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