HomeBusinessChamber launches bicentennial research scholarships programme with LIT

Chamber launches bicentennial research scholarships programme with LIT


IN ONE of his first acts as the new Limerick Chamber of Commerce (LCC) President, Gordon Kearney has announced a new Bicentennial Scholarship Programme in collaboration with Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) which will build on the two organisations existing relationship of co-operation and collaboration. Speaking about the Scholarship Programme LCC President Gordon Kearney said, “The Scholarship Programme will allow the Chamber to research potential areas for enterprise development and clustering in Limerick City Centre.

This invaluable research will support our efforts to make Limerick and the Mid West region the place to do business”
LIT, who recently announced its intention to apply for Technological University status along with CIT and IT Tralee, has been steadily growing its Postgraduate student numbers in recent years and is currently co-ordinating research projects funded by the EU. Dr Siobhan Moane, Head of Research and Technology Transfer at LIT welcomed the Scholarship Programme, “The practice-based nature of these programmes will ensure that the research addresses the needs of Limerick Chamber and that the knowledge derived from the research will be disseminated and translated to their clients to achieve the maximum impact on our region”.
The Bicentennial Scholarship Programme is a collaborative Masters Degree programme by research which will be open to all graduates with a relevant business qualification and will cover full tuition fees and a stipend for a two year Masters programme at LIT. Initially two scholarships will be available and the successful applicants will work on two bespoke research projects developed collaboratively by LIT and LCC which will be directly relevant to the work of the Limerick Chamber. The completion of these projects will coincide with the 200th Anniversary of the founding of Limerick Chamber.
The scholarship programmes will be practice based with the Postgraduate Student located at LCC who will provide the student with supervision, access to premises, facilities, equipment, supplies and resources as required for the fulfilment of the Masters Programme with LIT providing academic and financial support.

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