People asked to submit a video for Limerick’s Earth Day Contest

“Celebrate Limerick as a place to live work and visit.”

LAUNCHING the Limerick Earth Day Video Contest in City Hall, Mayor Jim Long said the aim of the contest is to celebrate Limerick for Earth Day 2012. “Videos submitted should be positive, creative and engaging and the should also celebrate Limerick as a place to live, work and/or visit,” he said.

.The contest is open to individuals, groups and schools. 
There is an overall prize of €200 for the best video and €100 for the runner up and City Hall’s Environment Department is sponsoring the competition., which has a closing date of Thursday, April 5. at 5pm.  
Delighted with the initiative, Mayor Long said that harnessing the creative talent of Limerick’s citizens to depict the city and its environment in a positive light for Earth Day is an excellent idea.
“I am really looking forward to viewing all the entries,” he said.
Commenting at the launch, Trish Forde Brennan of Limerick Earth Day Group said the event is about encouraging people to live, work and enjoy themselves in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly community.
“ It’s about acting to secure a healthy future for ourselves and future generations on a local, national and global level.
“In a positive way we want people to Get Active and help Limerick to  help itself become a greener economy’
Earth Day is Sunday, April 22 and the winning   videos will be used to launch Earth Day 2012 and will be aired on:
To enter, contestants should make a one minute video: Include a visual sign  ‘Celebrating Limerick for Earth Day 2012: Videos should be positive, creative and engaging and celebrate Limerick as a place to live work and visit: Upload the video on you tube: Submit the link to smcdonnell//


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At the launch were from left: Web Co-ordinator, Orla O’Connor,  Trish Forde Brennan, the Mayor Jim Long and Paul Foley, Senior Executive Officer at Limerick City Council’s Environment Department.
