Residents shun open space plan

Youth Service have designs on Ballynanty site

RESIDENTS in Ballynanty Beg have expressed anger at plans to build a €1.8m state-of-the-art youth service centre on a green area in their estate.
A planning application for a 1,150 sq.m. structure, over two-storeys, lodged with the Planning Department but withdrawn recently due to further information being sought, is to be resubmitted.

At a protest meeting, a number of residents told the Limerick Post of their “shock discovery” of the development when council workmen commenced ground testing.
“While Cllr Tom Shortt was supportive of the development, Cllr Michael Hourigan and Cllr Maurice Quinlivan, said we had the right to object,” said spokesperson, Anne-Marie Stack.
“We had assumed the plans were for a youth club, not a youth service – there is a significant difference – we’ve had a lot of building here – the Thomond Park stadium, a new HSE Centre, a new car park – we were told that the green area would be left, but it now seems that has changed.
“We are not against a youth service as such, but we are against it being built on this location, and I’m now proposing to the residents that we hold another meeting, this time with representatives from the Limerick Youth Service and members of the Garda Siochana, as well as people from all over the northside – Mayorstone, Shelbourne, Caherdavin etc., attending”.
Said Cllr Michael Hourigan:
“I will support them. The level of housing in this area is very intense and any green space should be retained for the people”.
Cllr Maurice Quinlivan said it was regrettable that the residents of Ballynanty had not been consulted.
“They are not opposing the concept of the centre, rather the location.
“They have been very patient with the disruption they endure on days of matches and concerts to facilitate the success of Thomond Park and its contribution to the city in general. They have concerns and must be listened to”.
Director of the Limerick Youth service, Catherine Kelly, said the Ballynanty site had been proposed to them by the city council
“People living on the northside of the city have said they never see any sports or community activity taking place on the green area.
“We want to move each of the services we already have on the northside into one dedicated youth service, but I would like, with our architect and design team, to meet with the local people – our brief is to work with 10-21-year-olds in the Youth Service in Ballynanty, which will be open access, after school and in the evenings, also on Saturday and only very occasionally on Sunday, but we do not, in any way, want to interfere”.


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