Arts news in brief

Jazz at Limerick Learning Hub
LIMERICK Jazz Workshop will start its Spring 2012 semester at the Limerick Learning Hub in Kileely on Tuesday January 24.  
“We continue to develop, and our most recent end of term gig featured six ensembles of all levels of age and experience,” says organiser and teacher, Ed Hansom. “Let me know if you would like to be involved.

For those who have not taken part before you can find a lot of information at At Limerick Jazz Workshop we like to meet in person before the first evening so as to get a feel for your musical experience and which ensemble would best suit your needs”.
Expect 14 sessions at the improvisation workshop altogether, including two public performances.  The last session will be the end of term gig on Wednesday May 9, but all other sessions will be on Tuesdays. These end of term concerts are heady stuff, packed out by appreciative fans and musicians generating a party atmosphere.
There is also a move towards creating a short course in jazz music theory which would run for a few weeks at  Limerick Learning Hub if enough musicians were interested. Email Ed Hansom [email protected] with enquiries and and see for background.

Script Doctor Workshop

SATURDAY February 4 is when a day’s ‘advanced’ film script workshop  is scheduled at Limerick Writers’ Centre, No. 12 Barrington Street. According to organiser Dominic Taylor, it is for people who have scripts completed and want them polished for submission to a funding boddy or production company.
Participants will send in a one page synopsis of their idea (250 words) and either a full short film script (10-15 pages) or the first 15 pages of a feature script. 
“These need to be emailed a week in advance of the course.  The workshop will entail script format, treatments, pitching and the finishing touches that are needed to get your script ‘funding’ ready,” advises Dominic.
Places must be paid for in advance. Email [email protected] or [email protected] for details.

Poetry, Lyrics, Versification
A SIX week course begins in late January at Limerick Writers Centre, designed to inspire writers to discover/extend their voice. Called ‘Releasing The Poet Within – A Creative Writing Course in Poetry, Lyrics and Versification’, it will by led by Fiona Clark Echlin.
Existing poets and lyricists may explore new directions while those seeking to write poetry for the first time will find a springboard for their ideas and style. Refer for course details, beginning Wednesday nights on January 25 from 7pm to 9pm.

Musicians sought for UL Orchestra

UNIVERSITY of Limerick Orchestra is starting back on Tuesday January 24 in the Irish  Chamber Orchestra building on UL campus. It’s a community wide grouping, not at all confined to college staff, students or alumni, that gives  several public perfomances in the year.
“We have an interesting programme lined up for what will be our 20th anniversary concert,” manager Peter Hanly tells us. “Our rehearsal times haven’t changed, still being 7.30pm to 10pm every Tuesday night. We are always looking for, and glad to have, new members. Looking forward to seeing you all there on Tuesday 24 next”.


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