Munster rugby star has laser eye surgery at Optilase

Munster rugby star, Doug Howlett underwent laser eye surgery at Optilase Clinic in Cork during the summer and is enjoying a super season with 20:20 vision.  Doug commented at the time, “I really can’t believe how this has changed my life, it was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. I woke up the next day to a whole new world and was back at light training the following week – I just wish I had done it sooner!”

For the vast majority of candidates who are eligible for laser eye surgery, it really results in a new lease of life and for many a newfound confidence. From waking up in the morning and simply being able to read the time on the clock or hopping out of bed without stumbling around searching for one’s spectacles. Or imagine the simple pleasure of taking the kids swimming? For some glasses wearers, this simply isn’t a possibility because their eyesight is just too poor without glasses to be able to sufficiently supervise and keep their children safe. Other glasses wearers will tell you about the embarrassment they feel when their glasses steam up, particularly around this time of year, walking into a room but not being able to recognize anyone until their specs un-cloud.
Life for contact lens wearers can be equally uncomfortable at times, from the physical pain of enduring dry, gritty or blood-shot eyes, to the major inconvenience of losing a lens at the most inconvenient time, mid road-trip for example. The dramas go on and on.
Surgeon and Medical Director of Optilase, Mr. Wayne Crewe-Brown commented, “It is not an exaggeration to say that laser eye surgery can change the way a person lives their life. The most common response from our patients is always “Why didn’t I do it years ago?” Apart from the physical discomfort and corresponding problems of having to wear glasses or lenses, many people feel incredibly self-conscious. It really is wonderfully rewarding to see our patients leave with a new found zest for life and new found confidence, better able to enjoy life”.
Laser eye surgery is one of the most commonly performed procedures, with 30 million people worldwide choosing to undergo the surgery. Optilase is Ireland’s leading laser eye clinic and has carried out more than 40,000 laser eye procedures. Optilase is 100 per cent Irish owned and offers access to the best Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeons, Laser Optometrists and medical staff in the world.
Optilase Clinic is located at Opera Lane in Cork and also has clinics in Waterford, Dublin, Galway, Longford, Belfast and Derry. The clinic operates flexible opening hours including weekends and late evenings. To arrange a free consultation or for further information visit:
