Family and friends rally in support of jailed farmer

MEMBERS of the family and friends of the jailed farmer Daniel Doherty took their protest to the gates of Limerick Prison last Saturday when they called for the release of the 40-year-old Templeglantine man, who remains in prison for failing to uphold an order of the court. Daniel Doherty is in prison for refusing to purge his contempt of court and obey a court order where he is to vacate the farmland of two brothers, that he worked for, who died a number of years ago without leaving a will.

Following a protracted series of sittings at Limerick Circuit Court, Doherty said he would not “go against the wishes of Matt and Eddie” who were two bachelor farmers that he helped on their farm.
Doherty has remained in prison since July when he was first asked to purge his contempt and uphold the vacation order.
On each occasion that he has appeared in front of a judge sitting at the Circuit Court, Doherty has vowed to stay on the land and not leave.
The matter began in March 2010, when appeals of the original order failed and Doherty was forced and ordered to vacate the Roche family land.
A protest calling for his release was held last Saturday where supporters stayed at the gates for a number of hours drumming up support from the passing motorists and pedestrians.
His supporters said that all Danny did “was help his neighbours,” and that he should not be in jail for that.
However, as Daniel Doherty now enters his fourth month in prison, he still refuses to obey the order and purge his contempt.

