THE positive reaction of Dunnes Stores to complaints regarding the poor state of their building on Sarsfield Street, has been welcomed by councillor Maurice Quinlivan.
He had received numerous complaints from locals and some tourists regarding the vacant store. “In particular, they were complaining about the stench of urine emanating with the building, which has been empty for a number of years – it has attracted some graffiti, which now needs to be removed,
but the main issue of concern is the fact that the old doorway opening on to Sarsfield Street, and to a lesser extent the ones on Liddy Street and Honan’s Quay, are being used at night almost as a toilet”.
The councillor, who contacted Dunnes Stores, requesting them to organise a regular cleanup of the premises, said:
“There is now an almost continuous stench of urine emanating from the doorways, especially the one on Sarsfield Street – I pointed out to Dunnes that this doorway is on the approach road into the city centre and that most of the tourists that come to Limerick walk past it, as it is on the main tourist trail, and a number have commented to me personally about the stench”.
Paying tribute to Dunnes for their quick response to his representations to them, and to Limerick City Council, Mr Quinlivan said he now hopes that the site will be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis by its owners.
“It is clear from the recent IBAL (Irish Business Against Litter) report that a major reason for the city not performing as well as it could was due to the poor nature of some of the vacant buildings.
“All the citizens of Limerick should ensure that the city council is proactive on the issue and contact them with any concerns”.