IT’S amazing what a few tweets will do these days. From booking a table in a restaurant to sharing a recipe online or from gossiping to snooping, the new wave of interest in the social media forum that is Twitter has taken the online community by storm.
And none more so than the food and wine gang that tweet their tweeps with aplomb.
A half a dozen tweets between Stuart at FromVineyardsDirect, (@FVDIE) Lorraine at LaCucina (@Italianfoodie), The Hunt Museum (@HuntMuseum) and myself (@andrewcareylk) and a wine tasting was organised for the end of July in Limerick where a host of cracking wines will be sampled and available to try at the Hunt Museum.
Stuart will bring an array of “beauties” to sample including Commanderie Mazeyres 2001 from Pomerol or some for the rose table where guests can go from Bordeaux through Navarra, Gascony, The Oc and all the way to Provence while the River Shannon floats by.
The evening, scheduled for July 21st and with more details to follow, guests will sample some excellent canapes and snacks from the Hunt Museum Cafe.
Follow us on twitter, trending on #huntwinetasting, or get more details in print or online at or