Business community to state their case for affordable rates

THE Limerick business community is urged to attend a meeting at the Strand Hotel on next Tuesday, June 28, at 6.30pm, to assist in the nationwide campaign to fight for fairer and affordable rates.
Employers for Affordable Rates (E.A.R), the voluntary organisation established in April, is organising a series of regional mass meetings in response to requests from all over the country.

To date, employers from six regions have begun organising local groups with the aim of creating a national organisation to lobby the Government.
E.A.R has also received support from business, trade and professional bodies and is gathering tremendous support nationally.
Many Limerick city centre business people have repeatedly told the Limerick Post that they are struggling to cope with rates.
“It is particularly difficult at the present time- business is very quiet and people are not just spending as in the past,” said one.
E.A.R objects to what they describe as an inequitable system that has made the level of rates genuinely unaffordable.
Rates, which the commercial sector alone has to pay, is the only funding source for local government apart from the exchequer. Employers, they argue, want fair play and say that they don’t mind paying their fair share, but point out that rates have risen by 300% since 1980 and it is unreasonable to expect them to carry this burden since they pay taxes as well.
E.A.R believe they can make a compelling case to Government that will enable them achieve fair and affordable rates.
