Strawberry Laser-Lipo now in Limerick

Strawberry Laser-Lipo is now available exclusively at Escape spas nationwide.
It was officially launched last weekend at Woman’s World at the RDS which was attended by 40,000 Women. Marion Fitzgerald of Escape Spa Group explained, “the Escape team treated over 70 ladies over the three day weekend show, with everybody taking off between 2 and 5 inches in just 10 minutes, and one lady Linda who took off over 8.2 inches from her abs, again in just 10 minutes, amazing, but with the Strawberry system, inch loss is guaranteed.”

The Strawberry Laser-Lipo is an innovative treatment that shifts stubborn fat, in just one session, it completely contours and tightens the body and you can be guaranteed to lose anything from 2 inches to 5 inches of fat after just one treatment. However best results are achieved after a course of 8 treatments, depending on the person’s shape and size.
Marian continued: “The Strawberry Laser-Lipo launched in the UK 18 months ago, and has been featured and reviewed by over 62 magazine publications and Beauty Editors. It has also been featured on GMTV, Gok Wan’s show, This Morning, and Lorraine Kelly, to name but a few. It has a huge celebrity Following, and is now one of the UK’s Most sought after fat busting treatments.”
It has grown over 18 months into 31 international countries, and Marion Fitzgerald of Escape Spa Group, has secured the rights to the distribution, beating off stiff competition from Dublin Based Distribution Companies, to bring this treatment exclusively to Limerick first, with plans for further locations throughout Ireland.
“The treatment is completely relaxing and non-invasive and only takes 10 minutes, firstly you are measured to record your measurements, then the paddle belt emitting a laser is placed directly on the area to be treated, this laser causes the fat cells to ‘sweat out’ stored fat, and probes are placed on the nearest lymph nodes. Once the fat is liquid it is cleared from the body via the liver, kidneys, lymphatic and venal systems.” Marion explained.
Escape spas are offering free consultations so if you have an area of fat that you just cannot shift, the Strawberry Laser-Lipo, could be the thing for you. If you are on a diet and exercise program, weight comes off from all over, with the Strawberry Laser-Lipo treatment, you determine where the fat comes off, that’s the difference.
Book your free consultation on 061-463608 email [email protected] or visit
