Lunchtime raids at Limerick and Newcastle West brothels

PROSTITUTION and the operation of brothels at lunchtime in both Limerick city and county, remains of serious concern after gardai raided and closed three brothels in the city and one in the county town of Newcastlewest last week. Cash, sexual paraphernalia associated with prostitution and laptops, as well as mobile phones, were seized after gardai raided two brothels in Mount Kennett and one in Bridgwater Court.

The apartments were rented to women who had been running the brothels. Gardai believe they are linked to a major European ring throughout the country and based in Cork.
No arrests were made following the raids, but gardai said that two Romanian, two Czech and two Polish women were subsequently questioned and released without charge.
A number of male callers and clients were also found at the apartments. Files are being prepared as part of a larger investigation.
The items seized in the raid, as well as laptops, phones and cash, were all retained by gardai, who say that the “development of a lunchtime trade between noon and 2pm is a new departure in the running of brothels in Limerick”.
In Newcastlewest, two women, a Dutch national and a resident of the UK, were arrested and questioned. The case is ongoing.
It is understood that the brothel was operating for a period of time in the county Limerick town and while originally fronting as a venue for massages, anything from €50 to €200 would change hands from clients seeking the services of prostitutes.
Gardai say that they are continuing their investigations into the operation of brothels in Limerick while combating the presence of on-street prostitutes in the city.



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