HomeBusinessF4energy announces new jobs in Energy Efficiency.

F4energy announces new jobs in Energy Efficiency.


F4energy Ltd, Ireland’s leading provider of Combined Heat and Power units, will create new jobs as it helps local business become energy efficient.
CHPs, as they are known, allow large energy users such as hotels, factories and hospitals to generate in-house electricity and heat by burning natural gas in pre-packaged plug and play modules.

Andrew O’Connell, engineering manager with F4Energy CSM explains, “The Strand Hotel in Limerick has operated a CHP for several years and the equipment is an important part of their energy mix. Utilising a CHP to provide low cost electricity and heat is just one of the ranges of services F4energy can offer. Detecting an increasing demand for Solution Providers in the area of energy efficiency, F4energy has launched a low cost service whereby clients can avail of expertise and reduce their energy usage considerably.”
Andrew adds, “Every unit of electricity causes the emission of 540g of carbon dioxide. F4energy, after consultation with the Strand Hotel has set a target of 800,000 units of electricity reduction for the 12 months of 2011. This equates to the equivalent of three winter months free electricity for the hotel, 30% of their overall consumption and approximately 400 tonnes of carbon. The first 10% of savings come from better management techniques whilst the remainder will come from upgrading equipment and the addition of low carbon solutions.”
Sean Lally, Strand hotel GM said, “We have known F4 for a number of years through the CHP that we have in the hotel and were delighted to engage them in a number of energy reduction projects. We have been very impressed with the depth of knowledge of our energy infrastructure and broad areas of their expertise. The wastage of energy that F4 detected and are resolving, certainly has opened our eyes to the opportunities of cost reduction. We are confident that they will achieve the target we set of 800,000 units of electricity”.

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