Bodytalk – A Healthy Dialogue

For those of you who didn’t get to attend Dr John Veltheims lecture on Bodytalk recently, it proved to be a very insightful and thought-provoking lecture. Much of the cutting edge work in healthcare is being done on the energetic aspect of our health, that which cannot be put under a microscope but can indeed be measured.

In one example Dr Veltheim gave to describe how our cells know how to grow from very tiny beginnings into a complete, functional human being,

it transpires there is a blueprint pointing the way. This was established in trials by looking at tadpoles and finding that, around the basic structure that is the tadpole, there is already a blueprint for the nervous system of a fully grown frog, though this cannot be seen by the naked eye. The tadpole is relying on the energetic field to grow.
One individual who has done extensive work in the field of the memory and intelligence of cells is Bruce Lipton. He has found that there is effectively an ‘antenna’ on cell walls which receives massages relating to growth, secretion, shrinkage, cell mutation and so on.
Without even being aware of it, we rely heavily on this sophisticated system to keep illness in check and ensure that good health abounds. This sophisticated messaging system is especially important in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for cognitive function, intelligence, personality etc. Either physical trauma or sufficient levels of stress can interfere with the efficient running of the system.

A further significant area of the brain is the amygdala This little almond-shaped cluster of neurons deep in the brain processes all forms of emotion. In long-term conditions like autism, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and phobias, along with chronic anxiety. It’s understood the amygdala plays a role, as its fundamental programme is not functioning well anymore.
Basically, if you picture how your computer functions when it is working well, then imagine it with far too many large files, crowding up the system. This results in a much slower performance rate.
As Dr.Veltheim explained, perform a defrag programme, or spring clean on your computer and it’s restored to its previous excellent function. The same applies to the human brain. The more backed up the system gets, whether due to prolonged stress, genetics, environmental toxins or a combination of any of these, the more likely we are to encounter health problems of all sorts.

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So how do we ‘defrag’ our brains? Well, Dr.Veltheim showed a very simple technique which takes all of one minute, can be performed simply and safely on babies, children and adults and helps to restore balance to the brain. Remember our brain is made up of two hemispheres. If there is an imbalance in the level of activity, energetically, between one side and the other, we are liable to suffer poor health as a result.
The simple Bodytalk cortices technique employs the fact that our hands are, very handily, polarised. It’s been known for years that this polarity can be used to realign our energy. And realigning energy, it transpires, has an observable effect on the behaviour of our very cells. Even if you feel you are in a good place health-wise with a balanced diet, plenty exercise, good sleep and so on, internalised stress has been shown to have a major catalytic effect on disease formation. Knowing how intricately linked the prefrontal cortex and amygdala are to emotional health makes it easier to understand how emotional disturbances can fundamentally alter how they function.

It’s easy to see how the Bodytalk technique is gaining popularity given its sound foundation in quantum physics, tied with its ease of use and instantly applicable nature on animals, plants and humans. Courses are available to those interested in finding out more, either for personal use or more involved courses for those who would like to become practitioners. Given the restrictions so apparent in conventional medicine with suppressive medication, superbugs, treating disease in isolation rather than treating the whole person and so on, the future of good health lies in understanding the energetic aspect of your health.
