Thieves hot on trail of home heating oil

WITH the price of home heating oil at an all time high, it has become a coveted item by thieves throughout Limerick, with householders being warned to take extra security measures. Following a Limerick Post report that criminals have been stealing copper tanks and piping from unoccupied houses, it has come to light that oil is also high on the agenda. One local dealer reported that there was hardly a day when customers were on the phone to say they needed a refill because their tank had been siphoned.


“Those responsible usually use a mobile battery and hose, and in a matter of minutes can fill a 40-50 litre drum.
“They might even come back for a second fill. This type of crime is particularly prevalent in the east Limerick area”.
The price of a litre of oil, he added, was around the one euro mark, making it an expensive loss for the homeowner.
Garda Supt Dan Flavin of Newcastle West, said that, while this crime can happen anywhere, there have been a number of burglaries in his jurisdiction, which involved the theft of home heating oil.
“Incidents of this crime have been detected and arrests have been made,” Supt Flavin told the Limerick Post.  “There has been an increase of late; it’s not an ongoing crime but it happens sporadically.
“The oil is either stolen for resale purposes or personal use and is a valuable commodity.
“Opportunist thieves are most often the culprits”.
He stressed the importance of vigilance among householders and their neighbours in preventing this crime.
“Vigilance with security is the key and neighbours should look out for each other.
“There are also security mechanisms available in hardware stores to allow tanks to be locked up”.
Incidents of the theft of oil from motor vehicles have also taken place throughout Limerick.
With an increase in the incidents of burglary reported nationally, for the first three months of the year, Supt. Flavin explained that figures for the past week had reflected a decrease.
“The best way to deal with burglary is to prevent it, so again I stress the importance of vigilance with security whether at home or away.
“Ensure all doors and windows are locked, and don’t leave items like ladders lying around, that could make a burglary even easier.
“Keep them locked up and look out for suspicious persons in your neighbourhood”.
