Arts news in brief

Easter events at Hunt Museum

HUNT Museum can be relied on to provide a diverse week of activity over the Easter for all age groups, with much provided free of charge.
This Thursday 21 sees Friends of the Hunt invited to a free guided tour at 11am, aptly titled ‘Friends Get to Know the Hunt Collection’.

Thursday 23 makes time for a morning course, Parent and Child Arts and Crafts, for which booking is required – it’s a weekly, changing course. Holy Thursday is also the date for the Easter Arts and Crafts Egg Hunt in the afternoon, from 3.30pm on.
Tuesday 26 presents the 12.30pm free seminar, ‘Thinking Allowed: Critical and Contextual Studies’ and on Wednesday 28, 4pm, there is a UL Art History lecture, again free to the public.
Mark Douglas Smith is running regular Observational Drawing and Life Drawing Classes at this Rutland Street venue, for which booking is required.
Make your enquiries to the Hunt on 061-312833 and email [email protected].

Sunday Jazz Brunch


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HEAD for Dolan’s on the Dock Road for leisurely Sunday brunch enlivened by live jazz. From 12noon to 2pm, pub goers are serenaded by an “easy swinging blend of toe-tapping tunes – New Orleans, Latin and the Great American songbook”.
The house trio is an accomplished one, consisting of Boris Hunka (vibes), Peter Hanagan (bass) and Bart Kiely (drums).
“The boys will be joined by guests throughout the session and there will also be an open mic segment for anyone wanting to give their own pipes an airing,” says pub and Warehouse owner, Mick Dolan. Expect a varied, savoury menu served on a weekly basis, with your choice of cocktail or coffee.

Macra Drama final wins

WELL done to all who took part and supported the Drama Finals hosted by Limerick Macra in the Belltable recently. The winners were: 1st, Glanmire, Seandun; 2nd, Whitechurch, Seandun; 3rd Clonakilty, Carbery. The Best Actress was Deirdre Healy, Best Actor John O’Sullivan and Best Director, Caitríona Ní Chonchúir.

Scores for the boards

MINISTER for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan is seeking “expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced persons” for appointment as Chairperson of the National Concert Hall and new Board members for the National Concert Hall, Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), the Arts Council, the Heritage Council and the Irish Architectural Archive.
The advertisement can be seen on the website of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
All appointments will be made in accordance with the legislation governing appointments to each body.
