Three Grumps gripe back to town

SO many women in the Mid West had a blast at Robert C. Kelly’s show Grumpy Old Women that UCH has booked the return event.
Set your watch for 8pm on Tuesday May 17 for these three women of uncertain age who give “hammer and tongs” to the audience from the shared depths of their sofa.
Talking to the audience after the March run, Arts page clocked the many, many compliments commanded by the show – mostly of the “shock and awe” variety.

“The laughs are unreal,” said one lady more usually found at Irish Chamber Orchestra events. “The actresses leave absolutely nothing unsaid. It’s ribald and truthful and extremely funny. I cannot get over how well acted it is, how convincing and real the women are. Twink really shone”.
Adèle King, Flo McSweeney and Una Crawford O’Brien are past mistresses at shows that make and then pressure the mould even further. ‘Menopause the Musical’ was another hit of theirs with tours across the country confined to the over16s. ‘Dirty Dusting’ began the run five years ago.
Having achieved full houses last month in UCH with ‘Grumpy Old Women’, the ‘girls’ are up to the same again in this West End hit that is rewritten for today’s Ireland. The original writers are comedians Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder.
“Scary enough on their own, together these Grumpy Old Women are a force of nature,” observes producer Robert C Kelly. He is touring the show by arrangement with Avalon Promotions Ltd. in association with Liberty Bell.
