Heroin addict involved in “an appalling incident”

A HEROIN addict who spat in the face of a garda sergeant at Henry Street Garda station while held in custody on a public order matter, received a four month prison sentence at Limerick District Court. Donal O’Keefe, aged 41, with an address at 5 Verona Terrace, O’Connell Avenue, appeared in relation to the spitting incident that dated back to November 2008. The court was told bench warrants were in existence for his arrest and that he came to the attention of gardai when found in an intoxicated state on March 18 last.

Evidence was heard that the accused had been taken to the cell area in Henry Street in 2008 and while in custody, looked for the assistance of the gardai.
When Sergeant Gaffney came to the hatch of the cell where O’Keefe had been held, he was spat upon in the face. Sergeant Gaffney attended the Regional Hospital for a period of six months to have tests carried out, as O’Keefe, was known to be a heroin user.

The court heard that the unprovoked attack left Sergeant Gaffney somewhat traumatised for the period of time he attended the hospital.
On March 18 at 3.15am, O’Keefe was said to have ran and punched a man in the face while on the street in another “unprovoked attack”.
Gardai had been dealing with another incident and subsequently arrested O’Keefe after witnessing the punching incident.
With 31 previous convictions, O’Keefe was previously before the court on matters of trespass, intoxication, bench warrants and road traffic offences.
Solicitor John Devane, said that his client accepted it was a dreadful occurrence and regrets the incident greatly, but that O’Keefe had no recollection as he was on a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.
O’Keefe was said to have “gone off the rails” after the death of his seven month- old infant, but wanted to express his remorse and apologise to gardai. He also acknowledged that it was a “low and mean assault, the worst kind that comes before the court”.
Mr Devane added that his client was now free from heroin.
Judge O’Donnell said that O’Keefe should have stood his ground and not have the court issue bench warrants for his arrest.
He added that it was a very serious incident, as was the trauma associated with the garda member seeking medical care.
“I think your client is very lucky that the DPP sought to have this dealt with by way of summary disposal at this court, it’s an appalling incident”.
Judge O’Donnell imposed a four month prison sentence, backdated to March 18 last.
