Limerick nicely positioned when boom returns

Rebekah Commane met up with Presidential candidate, Senator David Norris

LIMERICK is strategically poised to take full advantage of the return of the boom. So claims Presidential candidate, Senator David Norris, overwhelmed with the support received on a campaign visit to Limerick.
He told the Limerick Post that he was approached by numerous locals, who offered to assist with his bid for presidency.

“People have been winding down the windows of cars and shouting, ‘welcome to Limerick President Norris’, and I have been approached with offers of help with fundraising, distributing leaflets and putting up posters.
“Limerick is one of my favourite places and on a day like this, there is not a single cloud in the sky”.
Senator Norris visited the Northside Learning Hub in Kileely and the Enterprise Acceleration Centre at LIT, and praised the progress in the city.
“It’s a beautiful city, you have the Georgian core that is so well maintained, as is O’Connell Street and Pery Square and of course, there is the work of the Limerick Civic Trust.
“These are all indications of how Limerick has changed and that it’s all there for when the boom comes”.
Speaking outside the Enterprise Centre in LIT, he praised the efforts of the project.
“I’ve been going to outer space here at the acceleration centre today, where they are involved with Nasa. Its a growing enterprise and the way of the future. It was extremely impressive.
“Also this morning, I was amazed at the social cohesion and volunteerism at the learning hub.
“I’m an ambassador for volunteerism and feel it is one of the things that will help us to get our pride back. That’s one of the areas I hope to focus on as President”.
When asked what would be his objectives, should he secure the role as Uachtarain na hEireann, Senator Norris said he would attempt to lift the air of gloom in the country.
“The real power of a President is that of persuasion and inspiration.
“I’ve been inspired by what I’ve seen here and on previous visits to Limerick, where I visited places like Bawnmore.
“A President can shine a light in there, where often the work goes unrecognised.
“Its important that we value these things along with endorsing creativity. I believe that will help to lift the gloom and restore our sense of pride in the contributions we have made.
“There are many difficulties to overcome and I will be taking on the might of the party machines and will remain independent”.

Sen. David Norris meets Post Graduate Lisa Marrinan, Dr Michelle McKeon, Head of Dept. Applied Science, LIT and lecturer Josephine Treacy in the Shannon ABC lab (Applied Biotechnology Centre) during his visit to the Enterprise Acceleration Centre at the Limerick Insitute of Technology.

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