Ultimate Transformation Programme week 5 pdate

One week to go. As we draw close to the end of the Operation Transformation programme Janet and Amanda update us on the final few weeks and how they are managing to stick to the programme despite the distraction on Hen nights.

Update from Ultimate Health Clinic

Why combine Colonic Hydrotherapy into your exercise routine for maximum results.  As you can see from the results achieved by Amanda and Janet, the integration of the treatments from the Ultimate Health Clinic such as nutritional advice, detox and colonic hydrotherapy with a regular exercise programme has major benefits.  The participants have not only lost a considerable amount of weight but have found new energy levels and improved adherence to diet through awareness of the way food impacts on your system.   This year’s programme combined with the last operation transformation programme is continuing proof of the holistic value of  colonic hydrotherapy treatments from weight loss to experiencing new found energy levels. Great credit is due to Amanda and Janet for the way they have embraced the programme and now are witnessing the very obvious benefits.
Update from Janet:


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Monday 7th March
Start of a new week and had a great workout with Jason. I’m going to take up a class in UL when I’m finished this as i really want to continue with the exercise, i’m enjoying it so much and feel so good.
Tuesday 8th March
Had a hard day to-day, as I’m drinking 1 litre of apple juice a day to prepare for a liver flush at the week end, I’m feeling tired and have no energy, and think its from the high amount of sugar I’m taking in, but its only a few more days so I’ll stick it out and should be better next week when it done. Had pancakes so that made up for the bad day and boy did i enjoy them.

Wednesday 9th march
Felt better to-day still tired but not in bathroom as much as yesterday, was reading about this flush and it doesn’t sound too nice, but I’ve done so much in the last few weeks, I’ll give this a go, everything made me feel so good i hope this will too.
Thursday 10th March
Had a great day to-day, went to a spin class in ul as Jason was away, and enjoyed it, given that i didn’t know where the gym was a few weeks ago, that’s a big thing for me. When i got home i was trying on clothes as i have my hen night to-morrow night and after losing the weight i felt great. I want to thank caroline Marese and Lisa from ultimate health for choosing me and for this chance they have given me as I would have struggled to achieve what i have on my own. Also thanks to Jason for all he has taught me, it’s thanks to you all that i feel so great this evening.
Friday 11th March
Had a colonic this morning and I’ve put the liver flush off till Wednesday as I’m going out to-night.

Saturday 12th March
Best i don’t tell you how i’m feeling to-day.
Sunday 13th March
Back to normal to-day, had a lovely long walk, and back on the apple juice to get ready for my liver flush. This will be officially over for me soon, but really its just the start of a better lifestyle for me for the future.
Update from Amanda

This week have been a tough week,i have been to the gym a few times, doing weights on the walking machine and not to mention the circuit training with Jason. Outside of the sessions with Jason I continue to train away on my own using the programmes that Jason has set out for myself and Janet I have also had my routine colonic with Caroline this week which gives me the energy to do these activities, the girls in Ultimate Health are so helpful to me with regards to my diet and they give me advise on new foods that i am experimenting with.  
Unfortunately it is all about to come to an end next week, but when i say coming to an end i mean the six week transformation. For me it will be an ongoing experience an i will keep you all informed of my progress through facebook I will still be going to the gym regularly ,and even though i wont have a personal trainer i think i have learned a lot from Jason to keep me going. I will also still have colonics as required and will be going in to Ultimate Health every week for a weigh in to encourage me to keep it up. Next week will be the final write up so i will fill you in in all the gym activities of next week, I will also be having an abdominal massage with Lisa and a colonic with Caroline and i will be doing another liver flush which is very hard to take but well worth it so i will let you know next week how to do that. Until next week the final week.
