Weston residents furious with ‘neglect’

Four properties burned in one month

RESIDENTS of Clarina Avenue in Ballinacurra Weston, are furious that derelict properties are not being demolished and are being consistently burned.
A derelict property at 2 Clarina Avenue was gutted by fire early on last Tuesday morning, causing extensive damage to neighbouring properties.

Residents said that it was the fourth time that a derelict property has been burned in as many weeks.
“It’s a disaster and nobody cares.- they just come in, put out the fire, board up the house and wait for the next one,” said Matt Collins, chairperson of Ballinacurra Weston Residents Alliance.
“That house has been derelict for two years and nothing has been done about it even though we’ve been calling on Regeneration and Limerick City Council to demolish the property”.
Mr Collins is the owner of the adjacent house at 3 Clarina Avenue, which was extensively damaged by the fire.
“The roof of my house is no longer secure. All of the timber has been burned and the tiles are holding themselves up”.
Showing this reporter the extent of the damage, he claimed that the fire officer told him his property should be condemned.
Pushing up the attic door to reveal the damage, it was clear from the charred roof beams that the fire had destroyed the roof.
The house that was burned has been the focus of anti-social behaviour for the two years since it was originally boarded up.
“They got in through a window at the back of the property which had been open for three weeks. it was reported to the council but nothing was done”.
Mr Collins said that he had not been contacted by Limerick City Council following the fire.
“It started at 5am and was quenched by the Fire Brigade shortly after. Someone arrived from Regeneration to take photos at 9.30am, and workers arrived to board up the house later in the morning”.
He is now worried that the house will be abandoned again.
