Arts news in brief

Film screenings by film makers

FRESH Film Festival is hosting local film makers work on a monthly Monday night basis at Belltable Arts Centre until May 16. This Limerick Film Forum is showing works on Mondays March 28,  April 11 and on May 16 at 8pm and the screenings are free to all.  

“This platform is intended to open up opportunities for those working in film and new media in any capacity,” says FFF PRO Gill Fenton. “Belltable is eager to hear from the filmmakers / producers / actors / new media students and educators and so on in the region with suggestions and input. This is your forum. We will loosely theme each of the monthly screening and information evenings”.
Address enquiries to Fresh Film Festival c/o Belltable Arts Centre at 69 O’Connell Street.

‘A Night of Dance’

RAPE Crisis MidWest will benefit from all sale proceeds of a new international dance instruction DVD created by a highly regarded dance professional. Bridget Harte AIBBD is the brains and fluid body behind ‘Shall We Dance’, €7 which will be launched this Saturday 19 in the Clare Inn Hotel, Dromoland.
‘Shall We Dance’ includes basic instructions for the Slow Waltz, Jive, Quickstep and Foxtrot. There will also be clips of Harte’s students performing the West Coast Swing, Rock and Roll, Jive, Mambo, ChaCha, Tango and much more.
A ticket into the Clare Inn night promises music, dance performances and a terrific party, €20 in to this ‘A Night of Dance’ will go to Rape Crisis Midwest also. We can buy ‘Shall We Dance’ at Pery’s Hotel, Glentworth Street in Limerick.

Lawrence Tibbett baritone


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MARTIN Bourke, former chairman of Limerick Civic Trust, has profiled many an artist of illustrious past in his talks at Georgian House. His next subject is American baritone Lawrence Tibbett, who had prestigious film, stage and radio roles throughout the 1920s and ‘30s.
On Wednesday March 23, 8pm, we hear and see more of Tibbett’s complexity as a man and gifted singer.
€15 includes refreshments for this Civic Trust fundraiser.
