Willie O’Dea backs the bandits

WILLIE O’DEA TD has backed The Rubberbandits not only to become Christmas No 1, but to become bigger than U2.

Deputy O’Dea said he doesn’t take the slightest bit of offence to the comedy outfit of Mr Chrome and Blind Boy who have satirised him in the guise of Willie O’DJ.

“You should never lose the ability to laugh at yourself,” said Deputy Willie O’Dea.

Responding to the Rubberbandits epic rise to the top he said:

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“These guys are going to be bigger than U2

“I’d love to see them get the Christmas No 1.

“We’ll give them any support we can to get them there”.

A Song for Willie O’Dea which was penned by the group earlier this year following his resignation as Minister for Defence has over 215,000 hits on Youtube.

The bandit’s local TD has seen the video and has not failed to recognise their talent.

“I’m absolutely thrilled as this has a lot of resonance with young people.

“It has all happened so quickly it’s absolutely wonderful and a huge boost to Limerick”.

To watch A Song for Willie O’Dea click the following link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY4ure_GSHw


