McGovern’s to cease trading after 50 years

‘We survived a fire but we can’t survive this’

YET another long established family business is to disappear from the city landscape. After half-a-century on William Street, McGovern’s Menswear are to call it a day.
The family-owned business, which recovered from the devastation of fire in December 1974, will not survive this winter, due to the recession. Proprietor Dermot McGovern, admitted to being very upset by the closure.

“Business has become too difficult, footfall is poor.
“We were burned down on December 8, 1974, and traded on Bedford Row for 18 months”.

He joined the business 49 years ago, at the age of 17, when his father, Eugene McGovern, previously employed by Todds, ventured out on his own.
Said Dermot: “I’ve been weighing the situation up and I can’t see things improving.
It’s sad to see the list of menswear shops that have closed in the city in recent times”.

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He blamed a number of factors.
“We competed with the British High Street stores during bad times, but many of them later left.
“But this time they are sticking it out. As a family run business, it is very difficult to compete with late night and Sunday openings”.

According to Mr McGovern, the redevelopment of William Street will hit business.
“It will be dug up for 12 months.
“For customers coming from the Southside or the county, why would they pass free parking at the Crescent and drive through 10 sets of traffic lights to get to town. Then they have to pay for parking in the city.
“This problem is constantly raised by customers”.
McGovern’s plan to close in late January.
