Arts briefs November 27

Out front for 16 Days

WITHIN Limerick’s multitude of events for international campaign 16 Days Against Violence Against Women there are three mixed-media exhibitons. The first to open is at Newcastle West and spans the full 16 Days from  this Thursday 25 to Friday December 10. Relevant facts on domestic abuse and violence within relationships inform a variety of posters and the facts stamped on tee-shirts. All is on display in vacant shop windows in Maiden  Street and Market Lane.

Wednesday December 1: Head to Crescent Shopping Centre for some Munster Rugby men and ADAPT Services staff for the launch of White Ribbon campaign – wearing the ribbon indicates your opposition to violence in the home and against women. As well as information stalls, witness the release of Women’s Aid balloons, a balloon for every Irish woman who lost her life at the hands of her partner or male violence.  9.30am to 6pm in the centre’s square.
A third local exhibition will close the 16 Days on Friday December 10 and takes place  again in Newcastle West, 11am at Diamond Complex. Coinciding with closing ceremonies around the world, there’s the launch of posters on relevant themes, the posters designed by Traveller women in county Limerick. This event is open to all.

“Le chantre due piano romantique”- Le Figaro


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Now living in Paris, pianist Míceál O’Rourke winds up the fine Music de Chambre Series at All Saints Church in Castleconnell  on Tuesday December 7. 
An 8pm programme will include Debussy’s Preludes Book 1, 12 short descriptive pieces with exotic titles like Danseuses de Delphes,  Les Sons et les Parfums Tournent dans l’Air du Soir and the  well-known La fille aux Chevaux de Lin.
Debussy’s Estampes is in three movements, the second of which, Soirée dans Grenade, O’Rourke describes as “a masterpiece”.   His second choice, Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit is also in three movements and considered to be one of the most challenging solo piano pieces in repertoire. 
The last time O’Rourke was here he played a Chopin Concerto with the NSO at UCH but this is his first solo recital in Limerick. €15 for the privilege; sponsored by County Limerick Arts Office.s

Wiz’s Emerald City
– through a child’s eyes

CONGRATULATIONS to 4th class in CBS Boy’s School, Sexton Street who will ‘Ease on Down the Road’ to see Cecilian Musical Society’s production of The Wiz tonight, Thursday 25.  The class entered and won a construction competition by Cecilians to design the Emerald City.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of planning and constructing their Emerald City,” observes CBS teacher Susan Fleming.  “They found the project engaging.  To have won is just the icing on the cake!”
Cecilian Musical Society also had a competition for secondary school students to design the front cover of the show’s programme.  Emily Walters, a second year student at Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh, was the winner and her design has now gone to print. She takes home a family ticket for the show.
“The entries were really wonderful,” commented Olivia Parkinson, chairperson of Cecilians.  “Many of the entries will be displayed front of house along with all the construction projects from primary schools.  The creativity was fantastic.”
The Wiz runs nightly at UCH until Saturday 27, 8pm curtain.
