Solar roof panels

A return on investment
With the current economic conditions, many people are looking for any way to save some money. A lot of those people would also love to find a way to be able to help the environment as well. Solar roofing panels are a great way to accomplish both of these goals. The return on investment of using solar power is very high. Let’s look at some of the advantages to using solar panels.


Since no fuel is needed, you will not be helping contribute to fuel costs or problems that often occur with the transporting and storage of such materials.
The federal government has various incentive plans for those who use solar energy.
The wonderful benefits of net metering. Net metering is when your utility company will actually buy energy from you if your panels produce more then you use or need!
There is no fuel required and therefore you do not have to worry about the unpredictable increases in fuel costs.
You start to see savings on your energy bill almost immediately, which will last for years and years.
Depending on household energy usage, the investment in solar panels can be recouped in very little time.
Unlike other energy sources, solar energy is ‘clean’. It is renewable and sustainable which are both helpful for the environment.
The return on investment on solar roofing panels is so high because once you make that initial investment in the panels and installation, the energy generated is virtually free.
Unlike other sources of electricity, the panels do not release any harmful elements into the atmosphere. This allows for one less household that helps contribute to acid rain, smog and global warming. It also decreases gases that are harmful to the planet. It is also generated where it is needed which makes it extremely efficient and not wasteful.
Solar roofing panels can last for many decades and often require little or no maintenance. Once the investment is made to purchase and install them, there is no more out of pocket expense. Since they are easily installed, you can start with the minimum number you need and always add on later. The best part is, solar panels are completely silent since there are no mechanical parts. They don’t emit any odours or require any sort of external fuel.
Not only do they cut down or completely eliminate your energy bill, but in the event of an outage you will not be inconvenienced. You will also not be consuming any energy from the power grid so you will never contribute to a possible outage.
Panels do not need to be attached to any sort of energy grid, therefore they can be used on all kinds of dwellings, even those remote and secluded.
Lastly, the use of solar energy panels helps the country. Not only do they promote energy independence and not having to rely on often hostile oil producing countries, but they can also help your local economy. The production and installation create and support green jobs.


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Options over traditional
The traditionally mounted solar panels are what get the most attention in the world of solar energy. For people who want to get into the solar energy scene without the bulk of roof-mounted solar panels, there is another option that gets much less hype. A photovoltaic tile is the technical way to say solar roof panel. The result of implementing this kind of panel is a virtually invisible tile that interlocks with the shingles on your roof, giving you an inconspicuous way to benefit from solar energy without breaking homeowner association codes. These require little to no maintenance and pay for themselves by producing clean, renewable energy for your home. The differences between solar roof tiles and traditional solar panels centre on aesthetics and cost.
Aesthetics are the number one reason people choose to install the solar roof panel options versus bulky panels. The fact that your house can still look great with an uninterrupted roofline is a huge benefit of these discrete tiles. They are not invisible, however, as their colours range from dark blue to purple and muted tones. Conversely, people may hesitate to go with solar roof panels because they are more expensive. They are more intensive to install, so it cannot be categorised as a do-it-yourself project, as many traditional panels can be.
The lifespan of solar tiles is comparable to that of solar panels, which is 20 to 30 years. Sometimes one solar tile may wear out before another. In this case, it is usually a simple matter of replacing a single tile as needed. During the lifespan of either product, efficiency is a key player. Solar roof tiles are made a little thinner, so they are slightly less effective than their silicon-based panel counterparts. However, since they can be incorporated over an entire roof, they can easily produce enough energy for powering a home.
No matter which you decide, the overall efficiency of your solar panels will be determined by the orientation of your roof and exposure time based on surrounding shade. Because of this, you should have your home evaluated before you proceed with your solar project. If the traditional, bulky solar panels do not bother you or the homeowner association of your neighbourhood, it will be the more cost-effective way to go. However, if you really want a solar option and want something more aesthetically pleasing, solar roof panelling is certainly an option you should consider.
